Monday, 7 November 2011

Mock Magazine Advert For Album (Rough)

This is our magazine advert to promote our artist's debut album. We used a large picture of the artist which shows his face and his style in fashion which allows fans to judge him based on his appearance and get an idea of what genre his music could be (jeans, trainers and baseball jacket are likely to represent urban pop or rap). This is conventional for a young urban artist who is not yet established, with such artists as Wretch 32 and Ed Sheeran using similar images.

We put the name of our artist at the top to clearly let people know, and the name of the album so that people can search it or identify it when they see it in stores or online. We wrote "Available in stores 12th December" as it is vital to let people know the release date so they know how new the album is and when they can get their hands on it. These conventions are also seen in the above adverts, and indeed apply to all genres.

This is followed by icons of HMV and iTunes as these are the top places to purchase the album, with HMV being a popular high-street store and also being popular as an online store where customers can order a physical copy of the album. iTunes is important in the modern music industry as it is the number one online music store, and by searching the iTunes store for the album, customers can purchase it digitally and immediately receive MP3 files of all the songs on the album as well as the artwork which appears when they play the song on their desktop, tablet or handheld device. A link to purchase the song on iTunes will also appear on the 'More info' section of the artist's music video when uploaded on Youtube. The main inspiration for this was Wretch 32's advert, as Ed Sheeran's placing of icons is less prominent, with just the iTunes logo appearing next to the price. The price was included in this advert as iTunes was the only store linked, however with Wretch 32's advert and our advert the different stores promoted could hold the product at different prices. The price is not always inserted into the make up of the advert anyway but is important to some people as it can affect whether they want to buy the album or not.

Below this we posted links to the artist's social networking pages on Facebook and Twitter respectively. This allows readers to visit the artist's page on their favourite sites and learn more about him and follow him directly on those sites which will allow direct promotion onto their homepages in many cases. We mainly used our initiative here, however Wretch 32 has one example of this in his advert as his Myspace URL is at the bottom of the advert.

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